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Home>News Center>News And Events>Hansheng Law Offices successfully held Salon II of Legal Significance & Tea Fragrant about the Tax Planning and Risk Prevention under the circumstance of transfrom from business tax to VAT

Hansheng Law Offices successfully held Salon II of Legal Significance & Tea Fragrant about the Tax Planning and Risk Prevention under the circumstance of transfrom from business tax to VAT


The question of how to realize the risk prevention and legally implement tax planning has become the critical issues of enterprises to improve management and reduce the cost. In view of this, on Feb. 28, 2017, Hansheng Law Offices held Salon II of Legal Significance & Tea Fragrant about the Tax Planning and Risk Prevention under the circumstance of transfrom from business tax to VAT.

The Partner Wang Xiaofang of Hansheng Law Offices invited the tax expert Ms Li Junmei to make the keynote speech, Senior Partner Sun Yingchao run the salon, Senior Partner Jin Zhenhua was in charge of the planning and arrangements of the entire activity, Senior Partners Zhang Wen, Yao Bing, Zhu Yilin participate in this activity. The salon opened to the public, nearly 50 people of lawyers, business representatives and university academics attended in the salon.

In the salon, Ms. Li Junmei made the keynote speech mainly on three aspects: (1) the influence of transforming from business tax to VAT on enterprises; (2) how to apply the changed policy to reduce the cost and prevent the tax risk of enterprises; (3) tax policy application in equity transfer of enterprises.
