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Legal Notices

Shanghai HanSheng Law Offices(“HanSheng”), a full-service law firm established in China, owns and manages this website with a view toward introducing and promoting the firm.


The information contained on this website is for reference purposes only, and does not constitute a legal opinion or recommendation by a lawyer and should not be used by a website visitor or information recipient as the basis for any action or omission. The links are provided solely for the convenience of visitors and do not mean that HanSheng has a cooperative relationship with any linked website or any express or implied warranty or liability for visiting such website.


HanSheng has always respected and been committed to the protection of intellectual property. The texts, images and other information contained on this website may involve copyright issues or other civil rights issues and should not be republished or used in any manner. This website and the information used do not create any form of license or warranty, and any legal liability arising therefrom does not involve HanSheng. The texts, images and other information contained on this website are offered solely for the purpose of introducing and promoting HanSheng. If you consider any such content to be your intellectual property, please contact Shanghai HanSheng Law Offices. Upon receiving your notice and verifying the circumstances, we will delete the information at our first opportunity.


If you have any questions regarding this website, please contact Shanghai HanSheng Law Offices at: hansheng@hanshenglaw.cn