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  • As a partner in a law firm, I am actively engaged in my work and play a leading role. Since his practice in 2012, he has treated each case rigorously and conscientiously, analyzed the case from multiple perspectives, and patiently answered the doubts of the parties. When dealing with everything, I will organize and carry out team brainstorming, fully study the evidence of the case, consult a large number of books pertinently, make clear the appeal, and find the corresponding legal basis. Objective analysis of the opponent and possible problems, know yourself and know the enemy to win a hundred battles. As the saying goes, "reading papers should be cut to the heart's content, and investigation should be carried out in three feet of ground." We should always keep the spirit of perseverance. Field of a solid understanding of the law, and constantly update laws and regulations, never stop, for not good at field should also be reasonable, more reading, more listening to teacher, teacher's curriculum, complement each other, give full play to its own business ability and level, strictly abide by the professional ethics, efforts to expand and hard to climb, firmly establish the spirit of not afraid to go to the wall.

Practice performance:

  • In 2016, it was awarded the national Advanced Individual of Legal aid
  • Outstanding Lawyer of the Year 2018
  • Excellent Lawyer of the year 2019
  • 2018 Annual Youth Camp


  • September, 2006 to June, 2010 Tarim University law Major

Contact Me

If you have any legal problems to consult, or other business cooperation, please leave me a message, thank you!