



首页>新闻中心>汉盛动态>汉盛动态 | 非洲刚果企业代表团到访汉盛,共商一带一路合作大计

汉盛动态 | 非洲刚果企业代表团到访汉盛,共商一带一路合作大计


今年年初,非洲刚果企业代表到访汉盛律师事务所,双方就一带一路合作进行深入交流。Société Cheng da Service SAS的Jolie Kenda女士、徐军杰先生和Société Promised Oil SARL的孔连军先生一行,与汉盛高级合伙人李玉玲、金震华及合伙人梁邵东共同探讨了中非在矿业、能源等领域的合作潜力。

Early this year, representatives of African Congo enterprises visited HanSheng Law Offices, where both parties engaged in in-depth discussions on cooperation regarding the Belt and Road Initiative. The delegation included Ms. Jolie Kenda and Mr. Junjie Xu from Société Cheng da Service SAS, and Mr. Lianjun Kong from Société Promised Oil SARL. Together with HanSheng 's senior partners Ms. Yuling Li and Mr. Zhenhua Jin, and partner Mr. Shaodong Liang, they explored the potential for Sino-African cooperation in fields such as mining and energy.


双方就刚果(布)及刚果(金)的矿业资源开发、已建项目的基建配套服务、佳柔油田的油服业务,以及中国国内绿色能源出口非洲市场等议题进行了深入探讨。Jolie Kenda女士、徐军杰先生和孔连军先生分别分享了他们在非洲的丰富经验和独特见解,对中非合作的未来充满期待。
The parties conducted in-depth discussions on several topics, including the development of mineral resources, infrastructure support services for existing projects in the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, oilfield services in the Jiarou oil field, and the export of Chinese green energy to the African market. Ms. Jolie Kenda, Mr. Junjie Xu, and Mr. Lianjun Kong each shared their extensive experience and unique insights on working in Africa, expressing optimism about the future of Sino-African cooperation.

HanSheng Law Offices stated that it would continue to provide professional legal services to Chinese and African enterprises, and promote deeper cooperation between the two sides. This exchange deepened mutual understanding and trust between the parties, laying a solid foundation for future collaboration.

Both parties looked forward to jointly forging a new chapter in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
